
Showing posts from February, 2010

Review from Violet in Australia

Hello Everyone! This is Hiromi from in Seoul, Korea. An Australian Hime-Gyaru , Violet LeBeaux is one of our customer and she did a super cute review on some of our products!! if you don't know what "Hime-Gyaru" is then click here to find out Hime-Gyaru shop La Paphet OK, this is Violet here! She has green eyes and trying on Walkure Brown , Aryan Ring Circle , and Angel EX Green . So Check out her wonderful blog here!! Violet's BLOG .

Yap! Now we do have GEO lenses

Hello Everyone! This is Hiromi from in Seoul, Korea. We've received many request for GEO lenses........ CTS Brown CTS Gray CTS Blue CTS Violet Yes, we do know GEO lenses are pretty popular , but to be honest, our model, Heju is actually allergic to GEO hurts her eyes so bad, she can't wear them at all. Anyway because CTS series are pretty popular so we decided to list them on our site, and we took some pictures of them.....real quick...... but as you can see, Heju looks like she is crying.... To tell the truth, I myself does not like GEO lenses because they are thick and not really confortable to wear, but we would like our customers to be happy, so we decided to list only the CTS sereis . I do like how CTS Blue look on brown eyes though. CTS Brown and Gray are called " Honey Wing " and "Ash Wing " in Japan, but those names are contracted to one Japanese shop and so we don't use those names to promote our product