
Showing posts from April, 2010

Violet's review on Circle Lenses Part 2

Hello Everyone! This is Hiromi from in Seoul, Korea. Do you remember Violet from Australia?? We truly loved her last tutorial, (click here ) so we sent her 2 more pairs of lenses know, Violet !! This time she did a video on " how to take good care of your circle lesnes ", which we also think is very very very important . As we repeat in this blog as well as on our FAQ , it is sooooo important to wash your hands , wash your lenses and wash your lens case . We don't recommend to wear circle lenses everyday because the colored part will block the oxygen supply to your eyes. Also never wear your lenses longer than 8 hours a day. Please remove lenses whenever you feel disconfort. Anyway please watch Violet's post , and it will be really nice to share the knowledge of lens care!!