
Showing posts from November, 2022

Things You Should Know About Toric Circle Lenses

A Toric circle lens is a contact lens that has a unique shape. Standard contact lenses have a spherical surface, similar to a slice of a beach ball's side. Toric circle lens, on the other hand, is a geometric shape that resembles a donut. A toric circle lens is shaped like a slice of this donut's side. Toric contact lenses have different refractive, or focusing, powers in vertical and horizontal orientations due to their shape. The refractive strength gradually increases or decreases as you move around the lens. Contact Lenses for Astigmatism Toric contact lenses can correct astigmatism caused by a different curvature of your cornea or lens in your eye (referred to as regular astigmatism, corneal astigmatism or lenticular astigmatism). You can wear these toric circle lenses for astigmatism every day to help correct your eyesight. The cornea or lens is curved in these cases, causing your eye's refraction to differ between the vertical and horizontal planes. This results in

How Do Toric Circle Lenses Work?

Toric Circle Lens is a unique type of contact that is specifically designed for wearers who suffer from astigmatism to use. Toric circle lens are the perfect lenses to use when struggling with astigmatism as it is designed specifically for people with astigmatism. Toric circle lenses are often the best option for astigmatic contact lens wearers because they are specifically designed to address the issue. A toric lens's unique shape produces different refractive, or focusing, powers that can help correct either corneal or lenticular astigmatism. Toric contacts have a thicker zone that prevents rotation while in your eyes. It also assists you in orienting the lenses consistently, so you can expect consistent visual acuity. These can be considered circle lenses for astigmatism. Because toric contact lenses must be placed on your eye in a specific manner, getting an exact fit is critical. Toric lenses, like the equator that circles the middle of the earth, have a central axis to keep