Can I Wear a Circle Lens Every Day?
Contact lenses are very popular nowadays. Not only are they more convenient than glasses when you’re visually impaired, but they’re also aesthetically pleasing and make you look good. A lot of people use cosmetic circle lens for cosplays , or just for dressing up. Some people wear circle lens only occasionally, but there is a few percent that wears contact lenses every day. So that begs the question, can you wear circle lenses every day? The answer varies depending on a few factors. Contact lenses like hyperopia circle lenses, provide vision correction with the freedom that glasses do not, but they cannot be worn all the time. Over wearing contacts is one of the most dangerous habits for contact wearers. But how far is too far? How Long Can I Wear My Contact Lenses? Most contact lenses come in two varieties: daily-wear contact lenses and extended-wear contact lenses. The length of time you can wear your contacts depends on the option you select. Daily Wear Contact Lenses. Daily-wear