Hello Everyone! This is Hiromi from e- circlelens .com in Seoul, Korea. This review on " Orchid Brown " is by a request from heartofpearl from Australia (Hello there!) OK, this is the lens image of "Orchid Brown" , which is also called as " Nancho Brown " in Korean. OK, then the enlarging effect....it is actually not so big, as you can see in below picture. See how different size they are! We actually have 3 different categories ; " Super Big " line is the lenses that have the most enlarging effect. " Pretty Big " line is for those who wants to try lenses with eye-enlarging effects,but does not want to look too extreme, while " Naturally big " is for someone who has rather small eyes, or wants to define her/his eyes but not want to look so unnatural. So, Orchid falls into "Pretty Big" category, while Monet is "Naturally big" and Walkure is "Super Big" . And this is me wearing "Orchi