review on "Orchid Brown"
Hello Everyone!
This is Hiromi from in Seoul, Korea.
This review on "Orchid Brown" is by a request from heartofpearl from Australia
(Hello there!)
OK, this is the lens image of "Orchid Brown", which is also called as "Nancho Brown" in Korean.
OK, then the enlarging is actually not so big, as you can see in below picture.
See how different size they are!
We actually have 3 different categories;
"Super Big" line is the lenses that have the most enlarging effect.
"Pretty Big" line is for those who wants to try lenses with eye-enlarging effects,but does not want to look too extreme,
while "Naturally big" is for someone who has rather small eyes, or wants to define her/his eyes but not want to look so unnatural.
So, Orchid falls into "Pretty Big" category, while Monet is "Naturally big" and Walkure is "Super Big" .
And this is me wearing "Orchid Brown".
and No, I did not wear any eye make up today....(^_^)
If anyone have any questions on our lenses, please leave a comment on this blog or send us an e-mail, we have all the samples here and can show you how it actually look!
Hi! Thanks for actually doing this review!! Really helpful and seriously am going to start buying from you guys :) Thanks again x